So bored I have no new pictures to post or take.... yet.. :P
Anyway if I do most probably I'll post it in FB instead of here.. 5 by 5 uploads and slow... Another reason why I got so lazy to blog.
Anyway, Im posting hallowen pics from last year 2009. The one I was planning to celebrate in Sydney but some how Australia dont celebrate Halloween... Worse, the streets were empty -__-
At least clubs and restaurant in Malaysia does..

Dinner in Sydney...
Thai fried rice.. ok la...

Purple/Black Striped knee length stokin... I was planning to wear this with a Black plain dress..

I even brought my pointy hat...
What?? its foldable, and light, dun mind lugging it.. :P
Yeah... kinda have a full costume lah.. but sadly, NO CELEBRATION!! T_T
I happily, and proudly show you:

My Harajuku's minature Limited Edition perfumes.. :P
I was walking out from aircraft in Sydney airport and they were displaying this and I was looking forward to buy them since I saw it online.. So I straight grab 5, go to counter, and bought them :D
It was cheap anyway, I think.. after buying them no point checking other place for price lah~ later found lower price I sakit hati.. Got crew discount summore, like buy 4 free 1 :P

Yeah~ I go as far as Sydney to buy a bottle of fish sauce..
Just to make a korean summer soup.. I cant find it in Korea nor Malaysia but in Australia -__-

chocs... gone ady.. thanks to mei..

Durian Crepes!!!
Tho it did made the room smell a lil.. esp the fridge cos I kept it in there..
Can u imagine, KL got durian I dint buy but I bought durian crepes in Sydney? And it cos RM6 per pcs.. I think can buy a low grade durian in KL ady. :P
Cant help it when im craving for durian
opps :P
Got smell XP