Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Trip 2

there! trip 2!

but this time, pics I took were worse than the first trip. Cos I spent most of my time shopping and not sight seeing...

but do come back and view my 3rd trip! Cos we are planning a trip to somewhere... shhh.. its a secret... :)

Anyway... We took a subway to the nearby mall, Lenox Mall.. Usd 4 for a return ticket, and I can just top up and reuse the ticket the next time! that's a good way to recycle!

the escalator to the underground subway.. scary isnt it? and im at the middle of it!

manage to cam whore, while waiting for the train... Aimee, my senior... has been flying with her for the past 1 month! including my next atlanta... but she's a fun to be around... I dont mind... :)

One crazy me

One normal me

and another in front of victoria secret!

Victoria's having the mid sale thing and gosh.... I cant stop myself again...!! :(

I found that im craze bout perfumes too nowadays.. I bought 3 perfumes and those mist thing from Vic's!! not to say body wash and cutesy panties from there too! but its SALE!! what can i do? Vic's hardly have sale. ok... they do have sale... but its every 6 months! that's a long long time to wait!!

not to say, as usual, going into Sephora for some cosmetics... :P

Got back to the hotel by evening. and its SNOWING!! but the weather is only like -2C, so when the snow reaches the floor, it just melted...

And I found that atlanta has the same after work traffic jam problem too ;)

the best snowing shot I can get... kinda look like rain... hmmm...

well, that's all for atlanta - trip 2... shopping and money spending!! :(

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