But mummy said I took "the opportunity" to go out and play as well.. -__-
Anyway.. for loving mei mei so much or for the "opportunity" to go out and play, I go all the way from Seremban to Subang ok! And it was a last minute planning! really..! :P
Cut the talking and typing - cos im sleepy... just got back from a busy and tiring 13hours 43 minutes Atlanta flight! zzzzz
so much of a shots of us singing...
must stand to sing... "more feel".. :P
cos I dont know how to sing chinese... now I regret I lied to mummy there's no POL classes!! (native language class) :-/
nah joking... I can live without learning to write of read chinese! hmph!!
time to sing mei-mei a birthday song! - with her mini cake.. haha
with fun and silly numeric songs!
a lil dark but try listening to the song.. we are singing numbers!! hahah!!
p/s: its either im tired or lazy cos i dont know why im lazy to type but just post pictures and captions.. why leh? is my blogging fever gone?!
anyway.. a picture worth a thousand words right? ;)
p/p/s: Mei's bday is on 28th August. I was late posting this blog cos too short off days and too much to do, no time!! :-/
p/p/p/s: [Mei] = younger/little sister in Chinese. Her name is Florence and in her mini cake I choosed "Flor" as her nick due to space limitation wtf. But we call her "mei" at home as sister and also nick name cos Mei is included in her Chinese name too ;)
p/p/p/p/s: wtf am I doing not sleeping now and adding so many ps-es???!!
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