Used to play this games while I was still in high school.. maybe in secondary 2 or 3.. where we need to attend a theme park, or an empty land and turn it into a wacky roller coaster theme park with objectives to achive in a certain amount of time or certain amount of budget..

like this...

or this...
In Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, the roller coaster design/ideas came from Six Flags Park. Or something like that.. I forgot.. At first I dint know that Six Flag Parks are REAL roller coaster theme parks in the US, but anyway I did google it then and knew it existed and it is in Chicago.. So I was aiming to go there one day.. (went Chicago a few times but was winter and its not open)
Anyway, back to the game, it was fun you know.. building your own roller coaster and controlling them.. and keep imagining that one day we can ride on the roller coaster we built ourselves.. ;D
Although later on, Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 was out, with 3D and we can have camere view of how it feels riding our own roller coaster... but it felt EVEN better when I actually visited Six Flag Park Magic Mountain in LA. (yes later on I also found they have a few of these parks in USA and other countries..)
So here goes.. after all the crapping.. My OWN Six Flag Park Adventure.. :D
Once again I planned to stay in the room, but this time my junior roommate from Hong Kong who happens to have an ex-schoolmate here decided to go out. At first she planned to go Disneyland, or Universal Studio, which I've been to before so I dint wanna go but her friend decided to bring her to Six Flags instead so I unshamelessly (I reclined to accompany her to go Disneyland and Univesal Studio which means if her friend cant make it she is going alone but when I heard she's going to Six Flags... ) asked if I could join along.. how unshamelessly Alison is.. sigh..
ok this random thingy from buzz lighter got his picture taken cos it keep knocking on me when the car turns.. but its kinda cute so nevermind.. trying to kiss me wtf.. lol..
Sneak peak:
means we are reaching soon.. 1 more hour.. Oh we queued 2 hours for this! Cos it's a Saturday and heck lots of people are coming here to release some stress!!
see what I recorded..
There! see this vid (recorded by someone else... there are loads of it in YouTube!)
Cool eh?
And finally,
-i love six flags-