Friday, March 7, 2008

I've got ya!!!


u laalalalalalalalalalala

*imagine: me holding psp in my hand, dancing around the bon fire. chanting PSP! PSP! PSP! PSP!*


i dont really know what made me really wanna get one.

At USD 169 (black basic package) only with a charger (US plug port some more, got to get a converter plug or something). no memory card, no games nor demo.

So i got myself a 8gb memory duo stick. Malaysia dun have yet ok!

but its freaking expensive

but then my psp is cheap

i haven't really survey KL price yet, but a friend told me Singapore is selling around RM950. no memory card, but free 1 game.

but they also dont have the new 8gb memry card.... hehehe

my first game

cos I wanna test drive it as soon as i bought it, i cant wait to go back kl and go get a game. so I spend USD 19.90 (RM60) for one UMD game... or whatever its called. outdated one too. (cos latest game selling at USD 39.90 [RM120])

Im such a freaking big spender... have to go rehabilitation ady...

anyway.. total-up my psp with 8gb memory card is around a basic psp selling in singapore without memory card... good leh!!


gotta go back to test drive...

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